For the second part of the mapping project, I will be creating a series of photo realistic drawings, one being a portrait, with four others being hands. They will be arranged in a pleasing way, but also one that shows the order in which I contacted these people. Each one will have a small snippet of my encounters with these people as well. They will be short and to the point, with only my physical encounters and conversations, not my perception of them. This will create the myth as it will allow the viewers to perceive the people of Brush Creek as they choose. I am using Brandon Stanton’s work “Humans of New York” as my main influence when creating this piece. I feel that his work is very powerful, with dynamic portraits that capture the viewers eye and glorify these average humans into a new light. Bridget Booher’s body mapping is also some of the influence I am going to use. Her writing style is one I think I could use very well as it is short and concise but still evokes emotions.

The portraits are being made using a grid system and recreating pictures I took from my adventure. They will be done with graphite on stonehenge to make them as realistic as possible.