In this exercise we were to take an existing map and alter it into something new, whether that be a whole new map or replacing the information already on it. I chose to create shoes with my maps. I used maps of Kansas City watershed and natural environments to construct them, with yarn for the laces so that they would actually be functional. The piece was intended to be worn but with the wet whether they would not be able to hold up. While they were supposed to become semi destroyed, I didn’t want them falling apart completely. The idea of using maps to create shoes is something that I would love to explore, especially with the amount of meaning they could hold. The shoes could contain the information of where you traveled not only in a literal sense, but in a conceptual sense as well because when worn, they become a record of the places you have journeyed. I would love to create some shoes specifically from a map of a place that I would actually travel with the shoes being worn. It would be a very interesting concept.